We have just received confirmation that the CBBC children’s program, The Dengineers, featuring our specialist dance mirrors and barres will be aired on…

Saturday the 19th December 2015 at 8.25 am on the CBBC channel.

Watch this space for photos and a link to the program!

The Dengineers – Dance Den

The program works alongside specialists, like ourselves, to design and create unique dens for youngsters, turning dreams into reality. The Dance Den was inspired by two young girls love of dance, turning their unused cellar into a fabulous dance studio.  Our Image “6” Dance Studio Mirrors and Barres were installed to give a high quality image reflection, as well as ensuring a safe fixing method with no unsightly screws and all edges encased in our aluminium J fixing system.

For more information on our specialist dance mirror and barre systems, see our Image “18” and Image “6” product ranges, or contact us on 01782 317620 or via the contact us page.