Once again we are excited to supply a large quantity of foil mirror film to the talented designer, Emmanuel Biard, for his most recent project. Emmanuel, based in Manchester, is yet again, taking the use of this foil mirror film to another level with his innovative and creative exhibition master piece! The specialist foil film has been used to create spectacular special effects within the festival industry.
We have previously supplied Featherweight foil mirrors and film to Emmanuel and his team, see here for a previous creation using Featherweight Foil mirrors for The Warehouse Project.
Below are a few photos of a recent creation designed and manufactured by Emmanuel for the Future Everything festival, using the aluminium coated polyester film supplied by Glass Installations ,the result is a spectacular and unique lighting display.
In Emmanuel’s words…
“For our installation “The Hall” commissioned for Future Everything festival we wanted to create a huge variable parabolic lens as the central component, and having ordered Featherweight mirrors from Glass Installations previously for our “Testudo” installation we knew this could be done with their aluminium-coated polyester film stretched over a circular drum and placed under pressure.
These projects would not have seen the light of day were it not for the help and expertise of their team.”
Emmanuel Biard, designer for “The Hall”
Many thanks to Emmanuel Biard, Future Everything festival and photographer Manox Media for allowing us to use these amazing images!
We look forward to seeing the next remarkable development from Emmanuel in the near future!