Our highest specification product Image “18” mirrors is installed in a variety of places. The choice as dance studio mirrors in schools is made because of its high safety specification. Safety mirrors are required in many instances, but installing safety mirrors does not mean a compromise on design or reflection. All of our wall fixed mirrors are safety backed, but it is Image “18” mirrors that have an additional safety feature of cushioning that makes them high impact and less prone to damage and breakages. And even if they do break they won’t shatter out. They are also ideal in a project such as this at construction stage, see the specification to find out why.
School Mirrors
Downsview School opened a brand new nursery extension to their School in Croydon last September. May this year also marked the opening of their new Music and Art Studio for use by their Year 6 pupils. Whether their dance studio mirrors are being used for dance, music and art they will find our Image “18” mirrors with aluminium framing a great look to the new studio.
For more information on our Image “18” Mirrors, please see the product specification here and contact one of our sales staff on 01782 317 620 for advice.
For more information on Downsview Primary School visit their website – http://www.downsview.croydon.sch.uk/